

like don’t @ me because I realize this is rather harsh but. Odo is truly the quintessential cop. He may stand for order and justice but his first instinct is always to stand with whoever is wielding the power (and I suppose, also dictates what order and justice mean).

His redeeming quality, not unlike Quark I believe, is that he’s open to the influence of friends and the Federation and Bajoran resistance ideals they believe in, and so he starts to develop his own values. And I love that in Far Beyond The Stars his human counterpart takes the side of the publisher: it’s actually in line with what Odo, when not surrounded by the support of his friends, would do

I agree. his role in Far beyond the stars reflects his role in Things Past. It’s the episode where Odo and the others are “transported back in time” to Terok Nor where it’s ultimately revealed that Odo had some innocent Bajorans executed for crimes they did not commit. 

In Things Past it’s clear that Odo above all has maintained the status quo. In both those episodes great injustices are carried out in the name of “stability” and “order”. 

Things past is actually a great episode in this respect, because it forces Odo (and us) to confront this unpleasant side of him. So it makes a lot of sense that he would take on that role in Far beyond the stars too.

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