so i tried out a few tumblr alternatives and i think dreamwidth is where i settled. and it’s actually inspired me to brush off my creative side and actually take a more active role in fandom! so that’s a plus. anyway, if you want to subscribe to my journal and read through the beginnings of my star trek rewatch, you can find my dreamwidth account here. but don’t worry! as i’ve said in previous posts, i will still be active on tumblr until they literally force me to leave

How to find me on other sites

disclaimer: i’m not planning on deleting my tumblr. i will go down with this hellsite. i am however, establishing myself on other sites in the event staff deletes me themselves. in the event that happens, here’s how you can find me:

for personal posts: twitter and instagram

for star trek posts: dreamwidth and wordpress

for fanfiction: ao3

i also added a page on my blog with all these links if you lose track of this post. i’ve had twitter, instagram, and AO3 for a while, so they’re well established, but tumblr was my primary place for posting about star trek, so i’m new to dreamwidth and wordpress and trying to upload some of my star trek content there

if we’re mutuals, let me know if there are any sites you want me to follow you on! and again: don’t worry. i’m not deleting. just coming up with contingency plans in the event staff does the deleting for me